Course Maps

Enticer Bike Course 7km

Start at St Georges Park

  1. Ride north to Sunset Beach Roundabout.
  2. Ride back the same route but continue past Transition and turn around in the Cul-de-sac end of Kempton St.
  3. Ride back to Transition, dismount your bike & start the run leg.

Enticer & Short Course Bike Course

Enticer Course (7km)

  1. Head north along Kempton St (red line)
  2. Turn around at Sunset roundabout
  3. Return the same way
  4. Turn around at the end of Kempton St then ride to Transition

Short Course (17km)

  1. As Enticer Course but carry on past Sunset roundabout on Pink Track (Chapman Rd)
  2. Return same way
  3. Turn around end of Kempton St then ride to Transition

Swim Course St Georges Beach, Bluff Point

New Run Course

Enticer Course (2km)

  1. Leave transition and run South on the red foot path then along the gravel path onto the foreshore path
  2. Turn Around at the witches hat at Dean Street 
  3. Run back to Transition (2km)

Short Course (4km)

  1. Run to Enticer turn around
  2. Continue along footpath to Short Course Cone at Medalia Beach
  3. Turn around and Return (4km)

Long Course (5km)

1. Run North from transition to Turnaround Cone 500m

2. Run South past transition to Short course Turn-around Cone Medalia Beach

3. Return to transiton