Course Maps
Enticer Bike Course 7km
Start at St Georges Park
- Ride north to Sunset Beach Roundabout.
- Ride back the same route but continue past Transition and turn around in the Cul-de-sac end of Kempton St.
- Ride back to Transition, dismount your bike & start the run leg.
Enticer & Short Course Bike Course
Enticer Course (7km)
- Head north along Kempton St (red line)
- Turn around at Sunset roundabout
- Return the same way
- Turn around at the end of Kempton St then ride to Transition
Short Course (17km)
- As Enticer Course but carry on past Sunset roundabout on Pink Track (Chapman Rd)
- Return same way
- Turn around end of Kempton St then ride to Transition
New Run Course
Enticer Course (2km)
- Leave transition and run South on the red foot path then along the gravel path onto the foreshore path
- Turn Around at the witches hat at Dean Street
- Run back to Transition (2km)
Short Course (4km)
- Run to Enticer turn around
- Continue along footpath to Short Course Cone at Medalia Beach
- Turn around and Return (4km)
Long Course (5km)
1. Run North from transition to Turnaround Cone 500m
2. Run South past transition to Short course Turn-around Cone Medalia Beach
3. Return to transiton